
King’s Kids Academy Summer Camp 

Registration for Summer Camp 

Please call Kari Eggers at 608-845-5464 with your questions.

You can register online using the form below or you can download and send your registration and fee to King’s Kids Academy  8133 Mansion Hill Ave,  Madison  WI 53719. 

All registration fees will be due on the first day of Summer Camp. June 16 2025

To print a copy of the registration form Click on the appropriate registration form

Complete one form for each child.

Online Registration for : ( Ages 5 to 7 )( Ages 8 to 12 )


Mail-In Registration

If you wish to register by mail, click on the Registration Form below. Print the form and fill in the information (Print a form for each child attending) Place the form and registration fee(s) in an envelope and mail it to: King’s Kids Academy  8133 Mansion Hill Ave  Madison, WI 53719

Or bring it to the Daycare and drop it off in the Tuition Box.

Mail-In Registration Form( Ages 5 to 7 )( Ages 8 to 12 )   ( You will need Adobe Reader )

If you have any questions contact: Kari Eggers at 608-845-5464 or E-mail her at