Registration Information

King’s Kids Academy  Summer Camp 2025  Registration

To guarantee a place, complete the registration and return the form with a check for the registration fee to:

King’s Kids Academy
8133 Mansion Hill Ave.
Madison, WI 53719

Please choose which days you will attend during the week. You can register for three to five days per week. Please call if you need fewer than three days and we will do everything we can to meet your family’s needs. On the Registration Form, please circle the weeks that you are enrolling for. They do not have to be consecutive weeks. However, you will be charged for the weeks you reserve, whether or not your child attends.

You will receive a confirmation that your child is enrolled. Once enrolled, your child’s placement is reserved specifically for them. Your weekly tuition is billed each Monday to your account. There are no deductions for holidays, sick days, or vacations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kari or Tanya.

Registration Fee*: $90.00 per child; this covers the cost of T-shirts, games, and craft supplies for the summer.

Don’t Forget!
We have each camper bring a tube of SPF 50 sunscreen on the first day of attendance. Please do not bring spray-style sunscreen bottles. The spray style does not cover the skin as well. We will collect and store the sunscreen here so we will always have it on hand.

Lunch and snacks:
Children need to bring a healthy lunch and beverage each day. (In exchange we pay field trip costs.) Breakfast and afternoon snacks are provided.
Refrigeration is not available so please pack lunches using an insulated bag with an ice pack.

Also, needed daily,

Socks & tennis shoes must be worn to camp each day (sandals can be brought but tennis shoes are required to be here daily)
Water bottle
Change of clothes/swimsuit & towel
Bug spray (optional)
Label the child’s name on everything!

Transportation Fee:
To help cover the cost of all the wonderful field trips we schedule during the summer, we charge a nominal $75.00 per child transportation fee. This fee helps cover the cost of busing our children to and from field trips. The charge is for each child in the family no matter how many days or weeks your child will be attending. The 20% family discount does not apply to the transportation fee. This is the only fee that has no family discount.

Choose your weeks!
To accommodate children participating in a variety of camps over the summer, tuition is based on the number of days you select, AS WELL AS the number of weeks you select. This gives our parents the flexibility to choose for their children while avoiding the additional cost of paying for two camps in the same week. This applies ONLY to children in Summer Camp.

Tuition Fees*: Minimum of 3 days per week
Tuition includes Breakfast, Snack, Field Trip Costs & Shared Transportation Costs.

If you enroll for 9-11 weeks, the rates are
$290.00 / Week
$73.00 / Day

If you enroll for 6-8 weeks, the rates are
$305.00 / Week
$77.00 / Day

If you enroll for 4-5 weeks, the rates are
$320.00 / Week
$ 81.00 / Day

Please call Aurora Eggers at 608-845-KING (5464) with questions.
Complete one form per child Online registration is paid through Paypal

Online Registration Form Adventure Camp ( Ages 8 to 12 )—————–  CLICK HERE

Online Registration Form Story Book Summer ( Ages 5 to 7 )—————- CLICK HERE 

( Forms are in PDF file format. Please print and fill out the form and return it to King’s Kids Academy with the appropriate registration fee. )

PDF Mail-in or Drop-off Form Registration Form Ages 5 to 7

PDF Mail-in or Drop off form Registration Ages 8 to 12

Space is limited – so get your registration in today!
Summer Camp Program
King’s Kids Academy 8133 Mansion Hill Ave.
Madison, WI 53719
Call: 608-845-5464